The Hungarian prime minister’s state secretary, Csaba Domotor, visited the country’s border crossing at the town of Tompa on Monday.
According to Domotor, “The Tompa border fence guarantees Hungary’s security and stands as a symbol of the fight against illegal migration”. The fence also shows that “it is possible to protect our communities and our culture,” Domotor said.
Since building its border fence, illegal migration in Hungary has dropped 99.7%. Hungary is free of Islamic terrorism and no-go zones. The country’s border fence is a clear example of how borders can protect nations and their citizens.
Domotor said that without the fence, “hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants would be arriving even today, making the country vulnerable to the consequences of migration”.
He mentioned that the fence will stay in place as long as Viktor Orban is the country’s prime minister.
Hungary’s border fence shows that tough borders work and protect communities